Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Rhode Island Sets up a CyberSecurity Team.

Rhode Island has set up a cybersecurity team that it hopes will be a model for other states trying to address cybersecurity problems in an era of tight state government budgets.

The Rhode Island Cyber Disruption Team (RICDT) includes members of government agencies, law enforcement, academia, and private business who will work to protect critical infrastructure in the state.
“This team’s leaders recognize the sectors of our society most vulnerable in cyberspace and the damages that would most severely affect Rhode Islanders”, said Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) while unveiling the new cybersecurity team on July 11 at Dell SecureWorks in Providence, RI. IT security firm Dell SecureWorks will provide technology support to the team.

RICDT will provide analysis and support prior to and during catastrophic events affecting critical infrastructure in Rhode Island and ensure continuity and restoration of operations. The team will serve as a communications conduit between federal, state, military, and private entities.
Working under the Rhode Island Emergency Management Agency, RICDT will identify areas in which critical state assets are vulnerable to cyberattack and propose and implement solutions by studying existing cybersecurity practices and commissioning original research and development.

The core RICDT members are Nick Tella (team commander), Ken Bell, and Christine Crocker from the Rhode State Police; Robert Fitzpatrick from the City of Providence Police; Jacob Fonseca with the University of Rhode Island Digital Forensics Center, Anthony Heywood with the IT department of the City of Providence; Doug White, director of the Forensics Applied Networking and Security Center at Roger Williams University; and Theresa Murray with the Emergency Management Agency.
“The Cyber Disruption Team has a multipart role in ensuring critical cyber assets in Rhode Island: to proactively evaluate and advise on the State's cyber infrastructure, to support the State against cyber threats whether physical or virtual, and to act as a cornerstone of cybersecurity in the state”, explained White.

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