Tuesday, July 12, 2011

90,000 Military Email Accounts Leaked!

In the AntiSec Movement (Anti Security) going on Anonymous has taken and leaked 90,000 military email accounts from Booz Allen Hamilton which is a security firm. Anonymous classified this as 
"Military Meltdown Monday: Mangling Booz Allen Hamilton". 
  A anouncement posted on Twitter by @AnonymousIRC

The leak itself include 90,000 login accounts for military personnel; including personnel from US CENTCOM, SOCOM, Marine Corps, Air Force, Homeland Security, State Department staff, and what looks like private sector contractors. This does in fact compromise some members of these departments but I do understand why this would happen; to be a security contractor and work in the IT department and have only the basic security on your network should show that people shouldn't put trust into these companies and if your working for the military this shows how easy it really is. Just because people have badges and high egos they think they can secure the internet, there network, and try and charge people for actually battling for their rights this is why I agree with the movement, but to stay professional I would also like to state that if the government personnel don't to be compromised or there information then it's best to actual secure the data and not leave it to some contractor actually put a group to test these sites and your own data.
The release by anonymous was via Torrent of 130.5 MB archive file.

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